Piercing HQ is pleased to offer you the option of booking your new piercing/s online.

An appointment is required for all services at Piercing HQ.

We are of course still able to look after an appointment for you over the phone along with answering any questions you may have that we haven’t included the answers to here.

Before Making Your Appointment

  1. The legal age of consent for piercings in Victoria is 16 years for most piercings EXCLUDING nipple and genital. We do offer some basic piercings for those under 16 yrs however a parent or guardian must be present with legal ID linking them to the minor.
  2. Government issued photo ID is required.
  3. Standard minimum age for children’s ear lobe piercing is 5 years. Please see additional consent information for children here. Younger children may be considered after an in-person consultation.
  4. Basic aftercare is included with all piercings.
  5. Please reschedule your appointment if you’re sick. We’ll still be here when you’ve recovered.
  6. Individual appointments are required for EACH person having a piercing or changeover.
  7. Piercings are not available if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  8. All piercing bookings are subject to your anatomy being suitable.
  9. If you are after more than one piercing – aside from a pair of lobes or nipples which are listed as a booking option – you will be offered this opportunity after completing your first appointment in our online booking platform.

Piercing Prices

Our pricing is in two parts – the piercing fee PLUS the jewellery fee.

The jewellery prices listed in the following table are the minimum jewellery prices for EACH piercing. Please use the jewellery link to see the beautiful options available for your new addition.

We understand that our clients appreciate the gorgeous jewellery choices we offer, so whether you’re after a basic piece or a beautiful upgrade we’ve got you covered with our entire range of jewellery verified implant grade by the Association of Professional Piercers.



Children’s Lobes


Lobe x 2 


Lobe x 1

1st, 2nd, 3rd etc

Large gauge lobe x 1










Forward Helix

Triple Forward Helix

Misc Ear x 1



Nostril x1

Nostril x2 – same side

Nostril x2 – opposite sides

Paired High Nostrils






Lip / Labret x1

Vertical Labret

Oral x 2

E.g Ashley/Dahlias








Dermal Anchor



Floating Navel


SUPPORT SERVICES – Bookings Required 

Jewellery Insert / Removal

$0 – $20.00

Piercing Stretch


Ear Curation

$100.00 (Discounted off project)

Aftercare Consultation

$0 – $20.00

Dermal Anchor Removal

$20.00 / $50.00

Jewellery Downsize 

$0 – $20.00

Custom Jewellery Consultation

$0 – $50.00

General Consultation

$0 – $20.00



We are confident that you’ll fall in love with our jewellery range at HQ!

Whether you’re interested in our basic entry level range or something special from some of the best body jewellery artisans in the world we’ve got you covered. We proudly stock an extensive range from BVLA, Anatometal, Body Circle Designs, Intrinsic Body, NeoMetal, Body Gems, Industrial Strength, and Zadamer.

Because we insist on using only the highest quality jewellery available all materials are implant grade, internally threaded, and polished to a mirror finish. We worry about this so you don’t have to! 

For this reason we rarely accept externally sourced jewellery to be used for your piercing. There are so many “mystery metals” currently available on the internet that can generate unpredictable results at best – and more commonly downright terrible consequences. Our experience tells us it’s just not necessary to take this risk.

We look forward to looking after you with some gorgeous new piercings soon.

Many additional piercings during the same visit are HALF PRICE on the piercing fee incl. basic genital.

Nostril + Helix= $50.00 + $25.00
= $75.00 total piercing fee + your jewellery choices,

We offer a large range of jewellery choices at HQ, whether you LOVE sparkle or not there are so many options to choose from!

Every choice is verified implant grade, and safe to be in YOUR body forever. 

We care about this so that you can be confident that whatever your selection it provide you with years of enjoyment.

Additional piercings during the same visit are HALF PRICE on the piercing fee incl. most genital!