Navel / Belly Button Piercing

Navel Piercings can be a fantastic way to ornament your body. While there is a chance of rejection with these piercings, they can heal successfully as long as they are pierced correctly, on suitable anatomy, and good quality jewellery is worn.

Rings or curved barbells can be worn initially in navel piercings, one or the other will usually suit your anatomy best. Initial jewellery should be fairly basic – e.g gemset sparkles can still be worn, but lay off lots of dangles until your piercing is healed.

Navel piercing techniques have changed significantly over the years. Of all piercings navel anatomy is possibly the most significant factor in deciding which technique and jewellery is most likely to result in a successful outcome.

If a navel piercing is performed on an unsuitable navel no amount of wishing and hoping will allow the piercing to heal. It’s always best to have an experienced Piercer determine whether your anatomy is suitable.

Sometimes navel piercings can be worn throughout a pregnancy-with a suitable jewellery change often required around the 6 month mark.

Lumps and bumps are not uncommon when navel piercings are knocked around or if your jewellery is too small. If you are still having trouble healing your navel piercing after the first three months, it might be time to get some help from an experienced piercer.


Standard Navel

When we think of a navel piercing we typically picture some sparkly jewellery sitting pretty through the top lip of the belly button. This “lip” is one of the critical ingredients needed to support a successful navel piercing, however there are other factors that can ultimately determine whether your anatomy is suitable. 

Floating Navel

In recent years “floating” navel piercings have been developed which has helped to open up the world of navel piercing for so many more people. This option is also anatomy dependent, and we can advise you on the best choice for you when we see you.